Sunday, December 21, 2008

Dysfunctional Beginnings

Hey ! Got a new Urban Fiction book coming out in about 2 weeks. The title is called : Dysfunctional Beginnings. Drama, funny, and plenty of sensual encounters.
Hope you are in the mood for some good reading. Let me know if you are interested.
Renee A.


  1. UPDATE ! My book Dysfunctional Beginnings is out. Its an adult urban fiction book. Its funny, has a lions share of drama, and is very sensually charged.
    If you are in the mood for not just reading, but entertaining reading, check it out !
    Can be ordered at and other resourses on my website,

    Read it and let's have a blast discussing its unpredictable chapters.
    Renee A.

  2. Hello Renee,

    I heard about your book from my Godmother, Cindy B. I am an avid book reader and cant wait to read Dysfunctional Beginnings. Take care!
